- Appellate Judge Romero Marcelo da Fonseca Oliveira – State Justice’s General Comptroller/CEJA’s President;
- Appellate Judge Arnóbio Alves Teodósio – CEJA’s Vice President;
- Judge Antônio Silveira Neto – Auxiliar Comptroller Judge of Group III/CEJA’s Executive Secretary;
- Vasti Cléa Marinho Costa Lopes – Prosecution Service’s General Comptroller;
- Judge Adhailton Lacet Correia Porto – Judge of the 1st Childhood and Youth Court in João Pessoa;
- Soraya Soares da Nóbrega Escorel – Prosecutor of the 1st Childhood and Youth Court in João Pessoa;
- Daniela Meneses – State Justice Court’s Social Assistant;
- Rosângela de Fátima Viana Pessoa – State Justice Court’s Physician;
- Ana Lúcia Correia de Lima Cananéa – CEJA’S Psychologist;
- Josiana Francisca da Silva – President of the Child and Adolescent Rights State Council.
- Alciêda Lisboa de Carvalho Cavalcanti – (Psychologist)
- Ana Francisca Bezerra de Melo Paraguay Figueiredo – (Psychologist)
- Ana Lúcia Correia de Lima Cananéa – Administrative Secretary (Psychologist)
- Cleide Márcia Cavalcante
- Dinah Rodrigues
- Marco Antônio Santiago de Alencar – Administrative Assistant Secretary