
“All children are biological and all children are adoptive.

Biological, beacuse that is the only way we can exist concretely and objectively.

Adoptive, because it’s the only way we can truly be children.”

(Luiz Schettini Filho)


The State Judiciary Adoption Commission – CEJA/PB – was created by the Law n. 5,947, of the State Government, on June 22, 1994; supported by the Resolution n. 17/2007, of the Paraíba Justice Court. The Statute of the Child and the Adolescent – ECA – in its art. 52, defines the State Judiciary Commissions as Central Authorities for adoption at the state level, pursuant to Federal Decree n. 3174, edited on September 16, 1999, in compliance with the rules and principles established by the Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in International Adoption Matters (HAIA). The Decree also established, as Federal Central Authority, the Secretariat of State for Human Rights of the Ministry of Justice, also creating the National Program for Cooperation in International Adoption and the Council of Brazilian Administrative Central Authorities, whose meetings take place every six months with the objective of evaluating everything that has been done at CEJAs/CEJAIs.


  • Preliminary examination of applications for adoption clearance;
  • Issuance of licenses for international adoption to foreigners and Brazilians resident abroad;
  • Management and supervision of records related to children and youth of the National Council of Justice – CNJ;
  • Inspection of state-accredited foreign bodies acting on international adoptions;
  • Preparation of educational and informational booklets on adoption;
  • Adoption Educational Campaigns, held annually, among them, we highlight the Theme, Drawing and Writing competitions.

The CEJA/PB, among other things, supports the Childhood and Youth Courts judgements throughout the state, being activated whenever necessary, in order to improve the prompt service to the jurisdictional, always supported by the norms and regulations, considering the best interests of the child.